Monday, June 2, 2008

Who I am...

I live in southeastern New Hampshire in a house built around 1776 that my great-great-grandparents bought in 1864 when they moved here from England. I have two sons (13 & 15 years old), two cats (Peachy and MooShu Cat), and two hens (can you tell I like things to be symmetrical?). We did have two lovely pigs, but they're in the freezer now.

I grew up in the Navy and went to a different school nearly every year until high school. I started college in 1970 and I'm finally (whew!) about to finish my undergraduate degree in Biology/Environmental Studies, the best part of which was that I learned I liked calculus and physics. I'm starting the Master's Program in Library & Information Science at Syracuse University in July. I work in a library at a private boarding school for grades 9-12 and I adore it. I wish we were a bit more progressive about our use of technology, though - if the library won't do it, who will? I enjoy writing and I'm hoping this journal will help me keep at it.


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