Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And more...

48. Test Better, Teach Better: the Instructional Role of Assessment - W. James Popham A highly readable review of the topic of tests, what they can and can't tell us, and how we can best interpret and utilize the information gained from their use. Should be standard issue for teachers and parents everywhere!

49. Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of Educational Assessment - Committee on the Foundations of Assessment, National Research Council. A review of where we've come from in terms of both small and large scale assessments and twelve recommendations about where we should be headed.

50. The Mismeasure of Man - Stephen Jay Gould. Considered to be a classic work refuting "scientific" claims of superior mental abilities based on race divisions. I'm sure it served its purpose well, but seems pompous, long-winded, and tedious to me.

51. Reading the Forested Landscape: a Natural History of New England - Tom Wessels I can lose myself in this book for hours on end - and start re-reading it as soon as I finish. It's like taking a leisurely walk in the woods with a good friend, one who knows the "language" of the natural world and can help interpret the signs that are all around us.

52. Nearby History: Exploring the Past Around You - David E. Kyvig A discussion of the broader importance that can evolve from looking at history with a fine focus, either at a local geographic level or a genealogic family level. The small scale allows us to develop a much clearer understanding of community connections and details of daily living that can then be extrapolated to increase our grasp of the workings of the greater cultural whole.

53. On Doing Local History - Carol Kammen A book about what it means to be a historian in general terms, and more specifically, how to work with local history in ways that are inclusive, respectful and accessible to all.

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